Superstar is very much fond of spiritual sojourn and that too in disguise burying his status and identity. He mingles with common man and seeks the divine blessings. This happened a lot and still happening. Only a few accounts are coming out for our knowledge. Unknown is an ocean in this regard.
This came in Ananda Vikatan, during the year 2003 when Superstar went to Thiruvannamalai temple in a secret visit for Girivalam.
The crowd identified him and he had tough time escaping from their clutches. Then he went to temple.
You all know that lots of fans or people who meet Superstar fell at his feet seeking blessings. But he always feels uncomfortable towards it. It is only in wedding ceremonies, Superstar agrees to it.
But his fans or his followers, who keep him in a status of demi god fell at his feet for blessings. During one such incident, he became furious and that makes this series of Flash from the Past.
A person identified him and fell at his feet where Superstar became furious. Read the scanned attachment uploaded in the following link:
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Thiruvannamalai temple photo by Pandiyan,
- Sundar